• Ale
  • 조회 수 776
  • 댓글 수 6
  • 추천 수 1
2005년 10월 3일 23시 39분
A hard fought match in a very cold and wet evening: three very important points were up last night to remain in the lead with six matches won upon six played. The first half was crucial, and the two goals scored made things clear from the start; second half was important as well, we had to keep the result safe from Inter's strong comeback. This week Championship takes a break due to the National team's scheduled matches: this evening I will meet the coach and my National team mates at Coverciano where we will get ready for Saturday's match against Slovenia and wednesday against Moldova. Hoping that winter hasn't yet arrived at Palermo and Bari where we have to play....!

by 알레홈피        

후후 리피옹 알레를 선발로 써봐요~~~

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