2006년 1월 13일 23시 00분

Italy Cup: Juve vs. Fiorentina 4-1

A wonderful evening. Let's start off with the match: 4-1 against Fiorentina, a crushing victory that takes us to the quarter finals of Coppa Italia. We tackled this match in a very concentrated and determined manner, and after the first two goals in a row and then a third one, it was very hard for Fiorentina to try for a comeback. On we go in all three competitions, League, Champions League and Coppa Italia, and this is how we want it this year, we want to take the lead in all competitions. 185 scores, best all-time Juventus scorer: I've never done anything just for the sake of numbers or records. I remember that during my first years in Juventus these figures seemed as big as a mountain, simply to hard to get to, and now....I'm really very pleased, satisfied and proud: no one ever scored 185 goals with Juventus, I overtook fantastic champions like Bettega and Boniperti, being part of the history of this team and writing a brand new chapter in it. To score is the best reward for a football player, and having scored so much with this team is much more than crossing a finishing line, but a very important stage. It's a very long story the one that brings to these 185 goals. A story that starts on a small pitch near my house, in San Vendemiano, where I started playing football, scoring my firts goals and binding my life in a strong way to this sport. And to this team. Maybe in a couple of days time I will really get through with what happened last night, three goals on the top of the mountain....for now I must thank all who made this possible: my family and my wife, all my team mates, of yesterday and of today, and all the ones that stuck with me with great affection and deep trust, especially during hard times. Thank you to all my supporters.

- http://www.alessandrodelpiero.com

title: 19-20 팔라스 콜라보아드레날린 Lv.62 / 193,649p



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환상적인 저녁이었지.코파이탈리아에서 피오렌티나를 4:1로 이겻어~
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