2005년 10월 22일 10시 33분
일단 대충 알아보니 유베스토어.컴에 회원가입(Registration)은 기본적으로 되있어야 그쪽으로부터 물건을 살수가 있습니다. 그리고 이것들이 배송관련된 유베스토어.컴의 모든 정보입니다.

일단,이것은 회원가입관련 정보..

In order to purchase on Juvestore.com, it is necessary to be registered at it; the registration is free, it only requires the necessary time to enter your own data and it does not involve any purchase.
How do you make the registration?
When you first purchase something, you need to fill a registration form with your own personal data and choose a password. The password is not the one you normally use to log on Internet, but it is a fancy one, especially chosen for Juvestore.com. At the end of the procedure we will send the new subscriber an email with the summary of the entered data and a link to click on to confirm the registration.
What is it for?
The registration is necessary to have the data for the shipment of the purchased articles and it allows our users to have an easier and faster access to the store services. As a matter of fact, after the first purchase, it will be sufficient to enter the users personal data, e-mail and password, to buy without filling any other form.
What happens to my data?
The entered data are registered into electronic archives, they are processed with secure computerized means and they are only used for purchase purposes or to inform users on our initiatives. Anyway don't worry about that: your data will not be disclosed to anyone, as we care for our users?security.
Can I modify or cancel my data?
You can modify them directly on your private area - my Juvestore - and request the cancellation of your data at any time with an e-mail to [email protected]
For further information about the personal-data processing, we suggest you to go to our Privacy page.
What is my Juvestore?
My Juvestore is your own personal area where you can enter only inserting your identifying data to check a lot of important information such as: your basket, your order state, your data, the memo items, the newsletters you have received.

회원가입 사항은 그냥 우리가 웹사이트 가입을 통해 볼수있는 규정절차 같습니다.

그리고 구입에 관한 정보...

The orders on Juvestore.com can be placed only by the users who are registered to the Website, following the on-line purchase procedure. Epi reserves the right to refuse an order if doubts exist on its truthfulness - incomplete or inconsistent personal data, supposable default already revealed in previous purchases - or in the event of items that are out of stock.
How do I purchase an item?
Purchasing on Juvestore.com is easy, follow these steps:
1) When you find the item you want to buy, choose the quantity and the size and then click on add to the shopping basket?
2) In order to purchase immediately, click on purchase?or you can go on with the shopping, without losing the items already in the basket, and you can complete the purchase procedure later.
3) If you still have to log in, the system will ask you for your identification data (your e-mail address and password) you used to register at Juvestore.com.
4) Read the summary of your order and select the conditions of payment: COD (cash on delivery, Italy only) or credit card (Italy and abroad).
5) If you choose to pay by credit card, you will be redirected to the Banca Sella secure servers, where you will complete the procedure.
6) Anyway at the conclusion of your purchase, you will receive our confirmation e-mail containing the identification data of your order. All you have to do is to wait for the goods delivery.
How do I remove an item from the shopping basket?
In order to remove an item from the shopping cart, click on the red cross or enter the number 0 with reference to the article to eliminate in the quantity column, then click on update? The article will disappear from your shopping cart and the amount will be automatically recalculated.
Follow the same procedure if you want to modify the quantity of an article already in the shopping cart; in this case instead of number 0, you will have to enter the quantity you want.
How many days the items I've selected stay in my basket?
They stay in the basket for seven days. Then, the are automatically cancelled and if you want to buy them, you have to add them to your basket again.

아드옹이 알아야할 가장 중요한 부분..대금지불과 보안정보

For the purchases on Juvestore.com it is possible to pay by:
1) Credit Card (Italy and abroad)
The credit card must be a Visa or a MasterCard.
2) Cash on delivery (Italy only)
It takes place on the goods delivery by cash.
Is it safe to use the credit card?
The transaction takes place on Banca Sella servers (www.sella.it), which guarantee the security for the credit card transactions. As a matter of fact Banca Sella employs the SSL standard (Secure Socket Layer), the system which guarantees the highest security level for the on-line transactions.

그리고 이것이 선적(즉,발송관련)정보인듯 하구요..

The shipments of the Juvestore.com articles are carried out by the following couriers:
- SDA - mail, in Italy;
- DHL, for the European Countries;
- FedEx, for the non-European Countries.←배송업체는 이것을 사용해야 되네요. 논 유럽은 페덱스만 되는듯.
How much is the shipment?
The shipping costs for an order within Italy are .10,00, whatever weight and size the package is.
The abroad shipping costs vary with reference to the destination Country and to the weight and/or to the package size. For example: if you buy a t-shirt and a pair of shorts from the Netherlands the shipping costs will be .15,86; the shipment of the same package to the United States will cost .26,00, the same shipment will be .37,70 for Australia and .65,00 for Nigeria. Again if you buy a jogging suit and a watch, the shipping costs would be the following: .26,13 for the Netherlands, .27,30 for the United States, .42,33 for the Australia and .70,20 for the Nigeria.
Anyway before you complete the purchase procedure, we suggest you to check the shipping costs that are automatically calculated by the system.
What is the shipping time?
After 24 hours from the order registration date, the delivery is carried out in Italy within the following 48-72 hours (from Monday to Friday). Possible further delays in the delivery could be caused by the inefficiency of the postal service or because the articles are temporarily out of stock. In this case, once 5 working days have elapsed (excluding Saturday and Sunday), please contact the customer care service at [email protected] or call 02-26303237/02-26303228.← 위에 글 해석은 안해봤지만 중요한 주소인것같아 굵은 글씨로 표기했습니다.
After 24 hours from the order registration date, the delivery is carried out abroad within the following 5 working days (from Monday to Friday). Possible further delays in the delivery could be caused by the inefficiency of the postal service or because the articles are temporarily out of stock. In this case, once 8 working days have elapsed (excluding Saturday and Sunday), please contact the customer care service at [email protected] or call 02-26303237/02-26303228.

마지막으로 소비자 의무와 세금관련 내용..

If goods are shipped to a Country that does not belong to the European Community, they will be liable to Customs duty and possible taxes on the sale; any supplementary charge relative to the clearance procedures is meant to be exclusively paid by the receiver. Customs duty and possible taxes vary from Country to Country and they will be applied to the goods on their arrival at the destination Country. For any information relative to Customs duty, possible taxes and goods clearance procedures, it is advisable to contact the competent Customs Offices (www.agenziadogane.it).

그리고 위에 아젠찌아도아네(발음이 맞는지 모르겠으나-_-)라는 사이트는 배송 아니면 세금관련인듯 하네요..

일단,이 정도가 유베스토어에서 배송관련에 있는 모든 정보같네요. 당사분들중 어느 한분이 나서서 이것을 해석해 주시면 정말 빠르게 공구가 진행될듯 싶습니다만.. 이렇게나마 제가 압축을 해봤습니다. 많은 꼬릿말 달아주세요~

아니면 한 파트 한 파트 나눠서 회원분들이 각자 해석해 보는것도 좋을 듯 싶은..
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아드옹이 필요하시데용~
/// ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭔이야긴줄 모르겠삼 ㅋㅋ
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